Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Trailer Trash

I had a blog before but sometime around the last week of school last semester, I quit posting on it. Life was fucked up, and so was I-so I just didn't have the time. Now that I a little more grounded and a lot more sober I thought I'd create a new one about living as trailer trash in a rural southern town and watching someone you love die a slow painful death.

My grandmother has pulmonary fibrosis and she is deteriating fast. It's killing my grandfather too. They've been married over 50 years so this is very hard on him. And all the time I keep thinking..."but I am not ready for you to die" or "hey there wait a minute this all just happened way too suddenly, I need time to digest this and figure out how I feel". Well, I am a selfish motherfucker and I always have been. It's a character defect of mine......So, that's why I created this blog.

This is how I see my life going on around me-it feels like I'm watching from the outside at times. Someday maybe I'll jump in and participate more often.


Blogger daily beard said...

At least your blog is not "happy." What a pleasure.

Best Wishes. --Daily

7:16 PM  

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